Q. 為什麼要停止自動續訂?
A. 因為我想要用別張信用卡付款
Q. 晚兩三天失效,不是可以多享用兩三天嗎?
A. 但是你的 subscripted months in a row 就會跟著晚兩三天
Q. subscripted months in a row 是什麼?
A. 在觀眾口語間把這個稱之為訂閱等級
Q. 所以你想要什麼?
A. 如果是由 Xsolla 來做的話,能不能不要停止自動續訂,又可以更換信用卡付款資訊啊?
A. 如果是由 Twitch 來做的話,停止自動續訂的時候,失效日期能不能不要晚兩三天啊? 失效日就直接是原本的續訂日就好
Xsolla customer service response:(負責 Twitch 訂閱收費的單位的回應)
it works this way because you are given an opportunity to renew the subscription within 3 days after its expiration. It works automatically.
Unfortunately, the only way to change a card is to stop the subscription and then renew it manually. Do you agree?
Xsolla customer service response:(負責 Twitch 訂閱收費的單位的回應)
it works this way because you are given an opportunity to renew the subscription within 3 days after its expiration. It works automatically.
Unfortunately, the only way to change a card is to stop the subscription and then renew it manually. Do you agree?
it works this way because you are given an opportunity to renew the subscription within 3 days after its expiration. It works automatically.
Unfortunately, the only way to change a card is to stop the subscription and then renew it manually. Do you agree?